LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee

Committee Mission & Members

The mission of the LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee (LGBTQAC) is to advocate for an environment of inclusion, respect, equity and appreciation of differences in both athletic trainers and their diverse patient populations. The committee will identify, explore, address and provide educational resources regarding emerging topics and concerns relevant to diverse sexualities, gender identities and gender expressions within the profession and health care topics affecting patients in the LGBTQ+ community.

Note: The plus sign represents diverse sexualities, gender identities and gender expressions which may not be explicitly included in the LGBTQ acronym.

Committee Goals:
1. Champion an environment of Inclusivity and equal opportunity for every Athletic Trainer regardless of an Individual’s sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression.
2. Increase the body of knowledge on health care concerns and conditions that affect patient’s in the LGBTQ+ community.
3. Create a platform to advocate, mobilize, and celebrate diverse sexualities, gender identities, and gender expressions amongst the FWATA membership and those patients who we treat.
4. Disseminate information, resources and research relating to health care matters and conditions relevant to patients in the LGBTQ+ community, such as educational programs, webinars and online resources

Safe Space Ally Training for the Athletic Trainer:
If you’re interested a workshop to increase your knowledge, skills, and ability to treat patients in the LGBTQ+ community, look no further than our Safe Spacy Ally Training! This 2-3 hour workshop, which can be delivered to both Athletic Training Students and Certified Athletic Trainers, will provide you with valuable information to create a more equitable and inclusive practice. If you’re interested in scheduling a workshop for your clinic or classroom please contact the committee chair Sean Rogers at

LGBTQ+ Resources for the Athletic Trainer

Healthcare Discrimination
This is an infographic which shows statistics for health care discrimination in the LGBTQ+ community, why it is important to consider, and what can begin to be done to combat it.

Creating an Inclusive Athletic Training Facility
This is an infographic which can help you to create an inclusive and welcoming athletic training facility.

Terminology 101
This is a NATA link to a list of LGBTQ+ definitions which can be helpful for getting acquainted with the terminology of the LGBTQ+ community.

Advocacy for the LGBTQ+ Community
This NATA News article describes the personal story of an Athletic Trainer’s son and his coming out process. This article also offers suggestions for ways to support your LGBTQ+ patients and Athletic Training colleagues who may be thinking about coming out.

NCAA Inclusion Initiative Framework
This is a link to a list of resources from the NCAA which includes best practice recommendations and links to LGBTQ+ organizations that are both sport and non-sports related.

Helping Athletic Trainers Help Transgender Students
This short NATA blog post helps to explain the basics of providing care to transgender patients.

National, State, and Local Resource List
This is a PDF document of national, state, and local resources to help athletic trainers help their transgender athletes.

Committee Members

Sean Rogers, DAT, ATC

Committee Chair

California State University Northridge

Mimi Nakajima, EdD, ATC

California Committee Member

California State University Long Beach

Meghan Wonderling, LAT, ATC, CSCS

Nevada Committee Member

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Far West Athletic Trainers Association