
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

Meet District 8 – Lyn Nakagawa

The FWATA Public Relations Committee Social Media team is highlighting members of District 8 each month.  This month we are highlight District 8 Secretary; Lyn Nakagawa.

District 8 Monthly Member Highlight: Lyn Nakagawa MS, ATC, CSCS
Current Position: Athletic Trainer, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Current FWATA Title: Secretary
What first made you choose athletic training? What inspired you to become an athletic trainer?

Like many athletic trainers, I was introduced to athletic training as an injured athlete myslef. I was lucky to have athletic trainers at my high school and when I was exposed to them and their jobs, I knew it was a profession I would be interested in. It provided me the opportunity to be around sports, to be an allied medical professional, and be in a profession I felt like I could make a difference in other people’s lives.

How did you first get involved in FWATA?

I moved into FWATA (District 8) in 2007 when I moved back home to Hawaii. I was slightly involved in the district activities in my previous district, but I was genuinely intrigued by the excitement and enthusiasm that seemed to permeate FWATA. I first became involved in FWATA as the Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee Chair, then became the Treasurer for Hawaii Athletic Trainer’s Association, and also became the Hawaii representative on the State Association Advisory Committee. When the opportunity arose, I was truly honored to have the privilege to serve FWATA as District Secretary.

What advice would you give to AT students?

Never stop learning. I am a true believer that the field of athletic training is constantly evolving. If you become stagnant, you are doing a disservice to yourself and those you work with. This constant change is also what makes our profession so interesting. We are constantly learning new techniques, theories, and practices that make us better clinicians and professionals.

What are you most proud of when you look back on your career? Or what is your most memorable moment in the profession?

Some of my most memorable moments as an athletic trainer have nothing to do with sports or the wins and losses we experience with our athletes. One of my most memorable moments is meeting a mother of an athlete of mine whom I worked with for 3 years in which time she had 2 ACL reconstructions and multiple other minor injuries. Her mother was not always present in the athlete’s life because of personal issues, but when she thanked me for being the rock, a positive female role model, and mentor to her daughter whom she sometimes felt she failed as a mother brought tears to my eyes. Also watching this athlete eventually graduate and become the first in her family to earn a college degree made me realize the impact we as athletic trainers can make off the field/court and in the lives of our student athletes.

What are you looking forward to most as our profession continues to grow and develop?

I hope to see the continued increase of athletic trainers in all settings- secondary schools, smaller colleges, physician extenders, emerging practices, etc. Continuing to gain respect as an allied health professional is also important to the profession.

Is there anything you would like the members of district 8 to know about your committee or things happening in our district?

I hope to see everyone in July at our FWATA Annual Meeting in Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii!


Courtesy of the Public Relations Committee

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association