
District 8 News from California, Hawaii and Nevada

CATA 10th Annual Clinical Symposium Meeting

The California Athletic Trainers’ Association is hosting the 10th Annual Clinical Symposium Meeting February 22-23, 2020 at the Embassy Suites in Sacramento, California. Projected conference CEU Total: 16 CEUs (7 Category A + 3 EPB + 6 pendingEBP), Optional Advanced Workshop(s) Total: 6 CEUs (4 + 2 pending EBP). Early bird registration closes on 2/3/2020. Additionally, the 11th Annual Legislative Hit The Hill Day will be held in conjunction with this event on Monday, February 24th.  Potential for 3 Free Category A CEUs.  The deadline to register for Hit The Hill is February 3rd, legislative meetings will be subject to change. Hope to see you all there!

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association