
Category Archive - News

FWATA COPA Welcomes New Members and Plans Exciting Year Ahead

The Far West Athletic Training Association (FWATA) Committee on Practice Advancement (COPA) has an exciting year ahead. COPA promotes clinical opportunities in athletic training emerging settings of Military, Performing Arts, Occupational Health, Physician Extenders, Public Safety, New Sports, and Business. Welcoming its new members to the committee this July, COPA members were assigned to workgroups in their specialty field of emerging settings. Workgroups are currently meeting and planning their initiatives…

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California Governor Signs Bill to Limit Football Practices

California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed into law a bill that will limit football practices for middle-school and high school students, a movement that is gaining steam across the country as awareness of the dangers of repeated hits to the head increases. The California law prohibits teams from holding full-contact practices during the off-season and limits them to no more than two 90-minute, full-contact practices a week during preseason and…

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California State Governor Vetos AB1890

A Message from Mike West; President, California Athletic Trainers Association: Despite the Governor’s veto of Title Protection of Athletic Training (AB 1890) in California, considerable momentum is being generated by the CATA’s Legislative Action Team (LAT). This group of 70 athletic trainers have tirelessly volunteered their time to support organized grassroots lobbying for regulation in CA. The team was created in 2012 as a way to get more people involved…

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A Message from the NATA Committee on Professional Ethics

It’s up to you to protect our association and our credential… By Dr. Jim Berry, ATC, Chair – NATA Committee on Professional Ethics  As the Chair of the NATA’s Committee on Professional Ethics (COPE) for the past year, I have grown increasingly concerned about the number and types of cases that are being reported to our committee for investigation and adjudication.  Of greater concern is the fact that, in most…

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Do You Have Your NPI Number?

NATA strongly encourages all Athletic Trainers to register for their National Provider Identifier number (NPI) “An NPI number is a professional requirement that adds credibility to the individual and the profession,” said Amy Callender, NATA Government Affairs Director. “NATA encourages all members to obtain their NPI number, which will stay with them for the rest of their career, no matter their job setting or employer.” Applying for an NPI number is quick,…

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AB 1890 Passes out of Senate Business and Professions

A Message from Mike West; President, California Athletic Trainers Association: AB 1890 passed out of the Senate Business, Professions and Economic development committee with a unanimous vote! The bill still does not have any formal opposition and we hope to have similar success on the senate floor in the next couple of weeks! Thanks to all of you who wrote letters of support and asked others to do the same.…

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President Obama Announces NATA/NFL/PFATS Collaboration

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association, in collaboration with the Professional Football Athletic Trainers’ Society, will support a national initiative to place athletic trainers (ATs) in underserved high schools in NFL markets during the 2014 football season. The National Football League Foundation and NFL teams will provide $1 million, with the NATA adding another $125,000, to improve the health and welfare of those student athletes. The announcement was made during the…

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‘A Public Health Issue’: Getting Athletic Trainers Into Every High School

Nearly 30 million U.S. children and youth participate in organized sports, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which also reports that high school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations each year. All contact sports—including basketball, baseball, hockey, volleyball, even cheerleading—can cause permanent catastrophic brain and spinal injuries, or lead to death. Overuse injuries—those caused by repeated micro-traumas to the tendons,…

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Stanford ATC’s Day of Service

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 Stanford athletic trainers, Katie Susskind and Sarah Lyons visited the Boys and Girls Club in Redwood City, California with several other Stanford Athletics staff members for the department-wide “Day of Service.” As a group, they taught the kids about healthy lifestyle choices, the importance of college education, and what it takes to be a student-athlete at Stanford. They also helped in the kitchen and with…

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AB 1890 Passes Through the Assembly

A Message from Mike West; President, California Athletic Trainers Association: On Monday, May 19th, the California Assembly passed AB 1890 with a 70-1 vote. The bill is now moving to the Senate side and will be assigned to committee soon. We will again be asking you to write letters and have your athletes, physicians and others do the same. Once the bill is officially assigned to a committee, we will…

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Far West Athletic Trainers Association